Inspiration…Welcome Back You Sexy Thang!

2 min read

Okay, y’all…I have not written anything decent in a while…And by a while I mean a few months. Seriously. A few months. Let that sink in.

There are two ideas I’ve been excited about, but for some reason I just couldn’t get it down on paper. Couldn’t get the ball rolling. Couldn’t calm the frantic pictures in my head long enough to let the scene slow down and grace my computer screen. I knew my characters, I knew the gist of what I wanted to happen, but something wasn’t clicking.

I spoke to my friend, Robin Hill, and told her my dilemma. She suggested I flip a coin, then go with my first gut reaction at the result. Apparently this works for her every time.

So last night I grabbed a quarter, gave that bad boy a toss, felt my heart get a little disappointed at the result, and BOOM…I had my answer. That Robin…genius I tell you. Evil genius, perhaps, but genius nonetheless. 😉

Then what happens? I know you’re wondering… I come to work and out of all the songs on my phone (and trust me, there are MANY), what little gem comes on? “Come to Me” by The Goo Goo Dolls. Here’s the video, watch it. Seriously. Do it now.

This song just makes me happy. Love, devotion, and even though at times they’re probably a pain in the ass, the sweetest, deepest of friendships you find with your partner.

And suddenly, HELLO INSPIRATION! Oh how I’ve missed you! And I must say… you are looking absolutely delish!

Now I’m in my office with index cards flying around outlining this little series. Truthfully, I usually don’t outline. I have the idea and I just see what the characters do with it. But I’d like this series to be a little different, and in order to do that, I think I need to be a little more organized than what typically tickles my fancy.

Anywho… yes, I am officially writing again, and I think this next series will be fun, sweet, and above all, sexy. 😉

Bye for now. *kisses*