Why Won’t the Voices in my Head BEHAVE?!

2 min read

Good morning, y’all!

Happy Thursday!

Well, I’m currently losing my freaking mind. Anyone else? Yes? No? Lord, please tell me I’m not the only one…

The voices in my head, you know, the characters we’ve designed that are begging to be let free…well, none of them will behave! When I wrote my first few novellas, my characters were lovely. Lovely I tell ya! They waited in line, sat patiently and read or took a nap while I ironed out the characters in front of them. Then when it was their turn, they stepped up and let me tell their story. They were beautiful, sweet little things.

These new characters in my head? Well…they’re assholes. I mean I love them, and I hope you will too, but they won’t freaking behave. They’re pushing and fighting and jumping up and down with their hands in the air yelling, “Me, me, me, me, ME!”

I have a number of projects I’d love to start in my head, and I’m excited about them, but every time I start one, the others push to the front and demand I work on their story RIGHT NOW!

I tried to ignore them and concentrate on the ones directly in front of me, Fernando and Kassie…but that darn Cameron and Lacey pushed poor Fernando and Kassie out of the way yesterday. I mean truly, knocked them the F down. I think they were just sexually frustrated, so hopefully the little bit I gave them yesterday will keep them satisfied for a little bit…but now do I go back to Fernando and Kassie? Jeeze Louise…

My fellow authors…I beg you…HELP! How do you deal when you have too many ideas roaming around in your head? Do you ignore them until you finish your current WIP, or do you go back and forth? I fear they will all make me slip into madness…

Anyway, have a lovely day! *kisses*