The Love and Justice Series – The Perfect Cure for a Book Hangover

1 min read

I simply adore novellas. They’re quick stories that allow me to escape for just a little bit, because lets be real, with a husband and two small children running around, that’s all the time I have! An hour or two here or there where I get to pick up a book and leave behind my world of dishes and laundry, and fall in love with new characters and their journeys.

A fellow author, Robin Hill, recently described the Love and Justice series as “the perfect cure for a book hangover”. Meaning when you finish up that big novel you’ve been engrossed in, and your heart is still in shambles days later from the sheer intensity of said novel, you can pick one of them up and get yourself back on track.

I find this to be the perfect example of why I write novellas.

That’s my goal. To give you a little taste of fun, sex, and in some of my stories, a little mystery and suspense, too.

So come on, give the Love and Justice series a try. Or perhaps you’d be interested in my newest standalone novella, Wicked Game.

Let them be your perfect Bloody Mary after a night of way too much Tequila. 😉